• FRIM oldest research station, established in 1970 under the Man and Biosphere Programme, University of Malaya.
  • Handed over to the Forest Research Institute (FRI) in 1978.
  • Located in the Pasoh Forest Reserve (FR), covering a total area of 1,840 hectares gazetted for research and educational purposes.
  • Receives worldwide attention from tropical forest ecologists and scientists, as well as local educators and naturalists.
  • Comprises a 50-ha permanent ecology plot, a 2-ha arboretum, a 2-km nature trail and a 30-m three-tower-canopy walkway system made of aluminum alloy, the first of its kind in Malaysia.
  • The Pasoh FR is the best studied lowland tropical forest in Southeast Asia.

Salleh Mat
Pasoh FRS Coordinator
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7267
Fax: 03-6272 9852
E-mail: sallehmt[at]

  • Established in 1974, the station sits on 455-hectare area in Mata Ayer Forest Reserve.
  • It is a referral centre for teak plantation establishment.
  • The first planting took place in 1953.
  • It has a 300-hectare area planted with teak provenances from various parts of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Papua New Guinea, Trinidad and Sabah.
  • The station offers facilities for eco-tourism and environment education activities including a canopy walkway, accommodation facilities and camping site.

Tree Improvement Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7332
E-mail: farah[at]

  • Established in 1982 and located in Compartment 84, Tekan Forest Reserve, Jengka, Pahang.
  • Sits on a 0.9-ha land and serves as a natural forest management research centre.
  • Focuses on sustainable management of dipterocarp hill forest R&D.
  • Frequented by locals as well as foreign scientists, serving as a base for several successful research projects on logging impacts, residual stands and regeneration development, silvicultural treatments, enrichment planting, hydrology, soil sciences, zoology and forest ecology.

Mohd Shahid Mohd Mustafa
Jengka FRS Manager
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7212/ 09-481 2049
Fax: 03-6272 9852
E-mail: shahid[at]

  • Set up in 2003, it covers a total of 292.2 hectares.
  • It serves as a referral centre for research on mixed species plantations, with special focus on karas.
  • Some 93 hectares of the area had been planted with karas, jelutung, merawan, Khaya ivorensis, nyatoh, meranti temak nipis and sentang.

Forest Plantation Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7093
E-mail: rosdi[at]

  • It is situated in a 53-hectare land, leased by the state government to FRIM, in 1996.
  • The original vegetation includes Sygium spp., Malaleuca cajuputi, Shorea metarialis, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Melastoma malabathricum, Baeckea Frutescens, Casuarina equistifolia and other secondary species.
  • To conduct research activities and share information on tree planting on the BRIS soil, identifying the forest species that are potentially can be grow on BRIS soil, promoting use of the soil for planting commercial forest species and developing cost-effective tree planting techniques.
  • Among species planted: Acacia hybrid, Khaya ivorensis, Hopea odorata, Eurycoma longifolia and Jatropha curcas.

Forest Plantation Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7137
E-mail: mohamadfakhri[at]

  • Established in 2000, the station which covers an area of 50 ha acts as a referral centre for setting up of a herbal plantation.
  • Planting in open area began with Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat ali), Orthosiphon aristatus (misai kucing) and Morinda citrifolia (mengkudu).
  • Subsequent planting in 2003 included Labisia pumila (kacip fatimah), Mentha arvensis (pudina), Elephantopus scaber (tutup bumi) and Curcuma domestica (kunyit) in an oil palm plantation.
  • To date, some 20 ha of the area have been planted with various medicinal plants such as Tinospora crispa (patawali), Aquilaria malaccensis (karas), Parkia speciosa (petai), Hopea odorata (merawan siput jantan), Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany), Peperomia pellucida (ketumpangan air), Cinnamomum zeylanicum (kayu manis), Centella asiatica (pegaga), Citrus hystrix (limau purut), Citrus aurantifolia (limau nipis), Cymbopogan citratus (serai makan), Cymbopogan nardus (serai wangi), Vitex negundo (legundi), Neolamarckia cadamba (kelampayan) and Garcinia atroviridis (asam gelugur).

Biological Resources Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 014-5184 788
E-mail: sharmizi[at]

  • Leased by the Perak State Government to FRIM in 1996.
  • Covers 121.4 hectares of ex-mining land.
  • It is a research site for international and national research projects on afforestation, biodiversity, forest influences, phytoremediation and eco-toxicity.
  • It serves as a model forest, recognised as an international educational site for rehabilitation of ex-tin tailings.
  • It was developed over five years in line with the “Bidor Research Station Strategic Plan 1997-2002”.

Forest Plantation Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7095
E-mail: howaimun[at]

  • Established in 2008 with the state government approval.
  • The station covers an area of 200 hectares.
  • Located in Mukim Belimbing, Batu Melintang District, Jajahan Jeli, Kelantan. It is site for research on conservation of natural bamboo stands (Gigantochloa scortechinii), commercial bamboo (Gigantochloa levis), agro-forestry and forest plantation trials of selected commercial forest species including Neobalanocarpus heimii and Shorea roxburghii.
  • For more information click brochure

Forest Plantation Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7138
E-mail: saaiff[at]

  • Established in 2009, with approval from the State Government and State Forestry Department.
  • The station, covering a total of 30 hectares, is located in Mukim Selandar, Jasin District.
  • A five-hectare area has been cleared for herbal garden.
  • Among species to be planted: Orstosiphon stamineus (misai kucing), Eurycome longifolia (tongkat ali), Labisia pumila (kacip fatimah), Ficus deltoidea (mas cotek) and Garcinia atroviridis (asam gelugor).
  • Additional tree species include Santalum album, Aquilaria malaccensis, Endospermum malaccense and Eucaluptus spp. as part of field trials of planting materials from the FRIM Tissue Culture Laboratory.
  • The site is also for forest plantation research and ex-situ conservation of selected species.
  • The station will serve as model for mixed forest of high quality species and as an attraction for tourists in the state.
  • For more information click brochure.

Forest Plantation Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6279 7099
E-mail: dasrul[at]