Members of Institute

Madam Norsham Abdul Latip
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES)

Mr Mohammad Reezal Ahmad
Ministry of Finance (MOF)

YBrs. Dr Noranida Zainal
Ministry of Economy

YBhg. Dato’ Zahari Ibrahim
Forest Department Peninsular Malaysia

YBrs. Dr Arthur Y. C. Chung
Sabah Forestry Department

YBhg. Datu Hamden Mohammad
Forest Department Sarawak

Mr. Saiful Bahri bin Salleh
Malaysia Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
YBhg. Dato’ Dr Ismail Hj. Parlan
Forest Research Intitute Malaysia (FRIM)

YBhg. Dato’ Razali Mohamad
Ministry of Plantation and Commodities
Alternate Members of Institute
- Mr. Siva Kumar a/l Solay Rajah
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES) - Mr. Aman Shah Siraj
Ministry of Finance (MOF) - Madam Zawati Yusrah Zainuddin
Ministry of Economy - Mr. Mazlan Othman
Ministry of Plantation and Commodities
- YBrs. Dr. Joseph Tangah
Sabah Forestry Department - Tuan Haji Happysupina Sait
Forest Department Sarawak - YBrs. Ts. Farydatul Nazly Mohd Zin
Malaysia Timber Industry Board (MTIB)