FRIM has been involved in quality management system (QMS) and laboratories accreditation since 1998. It started with a handful testing laboratories accredited with ISO/IEC G 25.

From 2001 onwards, FRIM started focusing on ISO 9001 certification. In the beginning, only three laboratories were certified with ISO 9001. Over time, FRIM improved by including more processes. FRIM was successfully certified with ISO 9001:2000 for ten processes in 2007, and recertified with ISO 9001:2008 in 2010. In 2017, FRIM conformed to ISO 9001:2015.

Acknowledging the importance of providing quality products and services, FRIM embarked on ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. To date, 15 testing laboratories have successfully been accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 according to their individual scopes. However, in 2017, the laboratories were re-accredited based on specific scopes, namely Chemistry, Microbiology & Biology, and Mechanical & Physical.

As a sign of improvement and in order to enhance the quality of services, FRIM strategically cooperated with other international organisations to become subcontracting testing laboratory. FRIM has been certified by FIRA (UK) for Furniture Testing Laboratory (IFT German for Wood Lamination Laboratory for window scantling until 2016), and Wood Composite Testing Laboratory for CARB and JAS.

FRIM was also certified with Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC 27001) since 2013 on data centre operations, at the ICT Branch. The scope was then extended to include information management of tropical forestry research through the application of RIMS involving the Policy and Research Planning (RePP) Branch. The latest achievement in quality certification is the Product Certification Services (FRIM PCS) ISO/IEC 17065.  The Department of Standards Malaysia accredited FRIM PCS as a product certification body for furniture since 2014.

FRIM is also involved with the Quality Environment System (QE/5S). In 2010, FRIM together with other agencies under the ministry, took the initiative to implement Quality Environment System (QE/5S) and was certified by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC). In 2017, FRIM expanded the scope of QE/5S, later QE, to include ALWAYS SAFE elements. The implementation of QE was also extended to all FRIM Research Stations with infrastructure namely SPF Mata Ayer, SPF Bidor, SPF Pasoh, SPF Jengka, SPF Maran, and SPF Setiu.

In addition, various subdepartments in FRIM received recognition in the form of certifications at the national level. Among them, the Natural Product Quality Control Laboratory received recognition from the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency; the Herbal Technology Centre (HTC) complied with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in 2007, as well as HALAL certification from JAKIM. SPF Maran conforms to the Malaysian Organic Scheme Certification (SOM) since 2010. Although the certification was not renewed for certain quality systems mentioned, FRIM continues the practice and implements the procedures, accordingly.

No. Name & Position


Management Representative
Mahmudin bin Saleh
Deputy of Director General (Operation)


Deputy of Management Representative
Mohd Asmawee bin Ismail


Head Quality System Audit
Nor Haliyan binti Tan Shilan
Head of Quality Management Branch


Assistant Head Quality System Audit
Dr Pin Kar Yong


Division Directors
Head of Programme
Head of Sub Departments (CUMBS)


Technical Advisory Team
i. Dr Sharmiza Bt Adnan
ii. Dr Suffian B. Misran
iii. Dr Tumirah Bt Khadiran
iv. Dr Pin Kar Yong
Scope Research, Development, Commercialisation, and Application Management (R,D,C&A)

FRIM is committed to providing efficient and effective research and support services to meet customer satisfaction. We will ensure that all members of the institute are jointly responsible and complied with the laws, regulations and quality standards set. FRIM will carry out continuous improvements to enhance the effectiveness of the relevant systems within the scope of research and development, consultation, commercialisation, testing and certification services, materials supply, training, ecotourism, and rental services (space and equipment).

  1. Research Management Services
  2. Consultation Services
  3. Testing Services
  4. Training Services
  5. Recreation Services
  6. Supply of Reference Material Services
  7. Rental for Facility, Space & Equipment Services
  8. Specific Service Provider Services
  9. Sale of Products Services
  10. Intellectual Property and Pre-Commercialisation Management
Documents 1. Quality Manual

Quality Manual MS ISO 9001:2015 – Research Management & Preparation of Services to Customers (MK.FRIM.01)

2. Compulsory Quality Procedures

  1. Quality Document Control (PK(W).FRIM.01)
  2. Quality Record Control (PK(W).FRIM.02)
  3. Internal Audit (PK(W).FRIM.03)
  4. Control of Non-Conformance to Specification for Products & Services (PK(W).FRIM.04)
  5. Corrective Action (PK(W).FRIM.05)
  6. Quality Management Review Meeting (PK(W).FRIM.07)
  7. Risk Management (PK(W).FRIM.08)

3. Supporting Quality Procedures

  1. Handling of Client and Client Feedback (PK(S).FRIM.02)
  2. Handling of Client Satisfaction Survey (PK(S).FRIM.03)
  3. Handling & Management of Event (PK(S).FRIM.04)
  4. Staff Appointment (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.01)
  5. Examination Management (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.02)
  6. Confirmation in Service Management (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.03)
  7. Staff Promotion Management (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.04)
  8. Disciplinary Action Management (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.05)
  9. Short Term Training Management (PK(S).FRIM.PSM.06)
  10. Promotion & Exhibition Material Management (PK(S).FRIM.T.02)
  11. Repair and Maintenance of Building & Infrastructure (PK(S).FRIM.PP.01)
  12. Online Staff Complaint Management (PK(S).FRIM.T.03)
  13. Procurement (PK(S).FRIM.PP.03)
  14. Repair and Maintenance of Equipment (PK(S).FRIM.N.01)
  15. Management & Maintenance of Vehicle (PK(S).FRIM.PP.05)
  16. Preparation & Management of Budget (PK(S).FRIM.KEW.01)
  17. Payment Management (PK(S).FRIM.KEW.02)
  18. Income Management (PK(S).FRIM.KEW.03)
  19. Asset and Store Management (PK(S).FRIM.KEW.04)
  20. Collection and Disposal of Chemical (PK(S).FRIM.K.01)
  21. Publication Management (PK(S).FRIM.T.01)
  22. Handling of MoU/Agreement (PK(S).FRIM.05)
  23. FRIM Campus Development Management (PK(S).FRIM.PP.02)
  24. Physical, Campus & Boundary Security (PK(S).FRIM.07)
  25. Document Security (PK(S).FRIM.08)
  26. Personal Security (PK(S).FRIM.09)
  27. ICT Security (PK(S).FRIM.10)
  28. Occupational Safety & Health (PK(S).FRIM.11)
  29. Tree Risk Maintenance at FRIM (PK(S).FRIM.12)
  30. Physical, Personal and SPF Security (PK(S).FRIM.13)
  31. Research Implementation at SPF (PK(S).FRIM.14)

4. Operational Quality Procedure

  1. Research Management (PK(O).FRIM.R.01)
  2. Handling of Consultation Services (PK(O).FRIM.KEW.02)
  3. Handling Intellectual Property and Pre-Commercialisation Management (PK(O).FRIM.KEW.01)
  4. Testing Services (PK(O).FRIM.K.01)
  5. Handling of Facility and Recreational Activity (PK(O).FRIM.H.01)
  6. Sale of Product Services (PK(O).FRIM.B.01)
  7. Training Services (PK(O).FRIM.PSM.02)
  8. Specific Service Provider (PK(O).FRIM.N.01)
  9. Supply of Reference Material (PK(O).FRIM.T.01)
  10. Rental of Facility, Space & Equipment (PK(O).FRIM.P.01)
Scope Mechanical & Physical, Chemical, and Microbiology & Biology
Laboratories 1. Mechanical & Physical (SAMM No. 205)

  1. Paper Testing Laboratory
  2. Fire Protection Laboratory
  3. Wood Lamination Laboratory
  4. Furniture Testing Laboratory
  5. Wood Engineering Laboratory
  6. Wood Drying Laboratory
  7. Wood Finishing Laboratory
  8. Wood Composite Testing Laboratory
  9. Natural Product Quality Control Laboratory

2. Chemical (SAMM No. 154)

  1. Wood Analysis and Preservative Laboratory
  2. Soil Chemistry Laboratory
  3. Wood Composite Testing Laboratory
  4. Natural Product Quality Control Laboratory

3. Microbiology & Biology (SAMM No. 558)

  1. Wood Mycology Laboratory
  2. Wood Entomology Laboratory
  3. Biology Laboratory
  4. Natural Product Quality Control Laboratory
  1. Quality Manual MS ISO/IEC 17025 For Chemical Testing Laboratories (D/FRIM/1-17025/CTL)
  2. Quality Manual MS ISO/IEC 17025 For Mechanical and Physical Testing Laboratories (D/FRIM/1-17025/MPTL)
  3. Quality Manual MS ISO/IEC 17025 For Microbiological and Biological Testing Laboratories (D/FRIM/1-17025/MBTL)
  4. Testing and Calibration Working Instructions (D.K.05)
  5. Compulsory Quality Procedure, Supporting Quality Procedure, Operational Quality Procedure MS ISO 9001
  6. Working Instructions at their specific laboratories

Information security management system on data centre operations, and information management of tropical forestry research through the application of RIMS

Branches ICT Branch, Technical Services Division

Policy & Research Planning Branch, Research Planning Division

  1. Quality Manual for Information Security Management System (D/FRIM/1-27001)
  2. Cyber Security Policy KeTSA version 1.2
  3. Compulsory, supporting, and operational quality procedures MS ISO 9001
  4. ICT’s and RePP’s procedures and working instructions

Quality Management Unit (PJK) is responsible for the coordination and monitoring of quality activities, as well as certification and accreditation activities in FRIM. PJK offers trainings and consultation services related to ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 27001, and ISO/IEC 17065 to interested parties.

For more information, please contact:
Quality Management Unit,
Forest Research Institute Malaysia,
52109, Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-6279 7685/ 7687/ 7690/ 7691
Fax: 03-6272 6305