FRIM, FDPM organise a tree planting programme
By Published On: August 26, 2020

26 August 2020 (Wednesday) – Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) conducted a ‘Tree Planting Programme in conjunction with the National Month’ at the Bukit Lagong Tambahan Forest Reserve (FR), Kepong, yesterday.

The FRIM-FDPM programme aimed to establish a rare fruits and protected tree species garden in stages at Parcel A and B of Bukit Lagong FR.

Abd Latif (kiri) dan Mohd Ridza berucap pada majlis.
Dari kiri: Mohd Ridza, Abd Latif dan Md Nasir semasa sesi penyerahan buku ‘Tasik Chini – Biosphere Reserve, Conservation by FRIM and NAHRIM’.
Abd Latif (left) and Mohd Ridza speaking at the ceremony. From left: Mohd Ridza, Abd Latif and Md Nasir during the ‘Tasik Chini – Biosphere Reserve, Conservation by FRIM and NAHRIM’ book presentation ceremony.

Also present, FRIM Director General (DG) Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod, FDPM DG Dato’ Mohd Ridza Awang, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) DG Dato’ Ir Dr Md Nasir Md Noh, FRIM Deputy DG (Operations) Dr Khali Aziz Hamzah, FDPM Deputy DG of Forestry (Policy and Planning) Dato’ Zahari Ibrahim, Federal Territory Forestry Director Mohd Hafiz Hamzah and FDPM Forestry Training Division (BLP) Director Datuk Jeffri Abd. Rasid.

The FRIM and FDPM DGs also launched a book entitled, ‘32 Jenis Pokok Perlindungan di Semenanjung Malaysia’ which they co-authored with Dr Azian Mohti, Zawiah Ngah, Syahida Emiza Suhaimi and Nurfarah Aqilah Mohd Nor. The book was edited by Nik Zanariah Nik Mahmod and Dr Ismail Parlan.

Sesi penanaman pokok.
Buku ‘32 Jenis Pokok Perlindungan di Semenanjung Malaysia’.
From left: Jeffri, FRIM Forestry Biotechnology Director Dr Norwati Mohamad, FDPM Silviculture and Forest Biodiversity Conservation Director Dato’ Ahmad Fadzil Abd Majid; and Khali Aziz during the tree planting session. The ‘32 Jenis Pokok Perlindungan di Semenanjung Malaysia’ book.

FRIM DG also handed over a copy of another book book, ‘Tasik Chini – Biosphere Reserve, Conservation by FRIM and NAHRIM’ to NAHRIM DG. This book highlights the research and conservation efforts undertaken by FRIM and NAHRIM in Tasik Chini from 2011 to 2018.

The FRIM, FDPM and NAHRIM DGs then planted Merbau (Intsia palembanica), which is the national tree, trees, while other participants planted 32 rare fruit/protected tree species.

The ​​2.1 ha Bukit Lagong Tambahan FR was gazetted on 26 April 1962 as a Permanent FR under ‘The Forest Enactment 1918’ and it is cut across by the Selayang-Kepong Highway.

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