FRIM, FELCRA Cooperation collaborate in dissemination of R&D findings
By Published On: April 9, 2021

9 April 2021 (Friday) – Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) has signed a collaboration agreement with the Rancangan FELCRA Gugusan Bayai Berhad Cooperation (KPRFGB) to disseminate the Institute’s research and development (R&D) findings to boost the income of the B40 group among the cooperation’s members.

An documents exchange session between the two parties was held on 6 April in Kampung Serting Ulu, Simpang Pertang Negeri Sembilan in conjunction with the inauguration of ‘Merakyatkan Hasil R&D FRIM melalui Pemindahan Teknologi bagi Projek Penanaman Herba Terpilih Secara Sistem Selingan untuk Penghasilan Produk Berkualiti Tinggi’ Progamme by FRIM Deputy Director General (Research) Dr Norwati Muhammad, who represented FRIM Director General Dr Khali Aziz Hamzah.

Dari kiri: Norwati, Zainudin dan Zainul Anzaid.
Sesi pertukaran dokumen.
From left: Norwati, Zainudin and Zainul Anzaid delivering their respective speeches. From left: Farah Fazwa, Zainudin, Norwati and Zainul Anzaid after exchanging the documents.

This collaboration is a project under the Malaysia Social Innovation (MySI) grant from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and it is led by FRIM Tree Improvement Programme Head Dr Farah Fazwa Md Ariff with a total fund of RM260,000.00.

The ceremony was also attended by FRIM Forestry Biotechnology Director Dr Mohd Zaki Abdullah, Innovation and Commercialisation Director Mahmudin Salleh, Administration Director Liza Ismail, Innovation and Incubation Programme Head Dr Fadhilah Zainudin; General Manager for Pengurusan Institusi Peserta FELCRA Berhad, Zainul Anzaid; Negeri Sembilan Angkasa Chairman Dato’ Ibrahim Abdullah and KPRFGB Chairman Zainudin Kalam.

Norwati also officiated the project’s shade house as well as conducted the symbolic planting of kacip fatimah, kaffir lime and lemongrass together with other invited guests.

Sesi menanam serai.
Gambar berkumpulan.
FRIM representatives planting lemongrass. Group picture of the event organisers and attendees.

Following the opening ceremony, a technology transfer workshop was organised by FRIM for KPFRGB participants on 7-8 April.

A total of 100 participants will be involved in this project and the FRIM’s technology that to be transferred to them are:

  • Kacip fatimah clone as a result of R&D
  • Superior clone of kaffir lime
  • Breeding techniques
  • Care and maintenance techniques
  • Planting techniques in integration fields

A total of 23,000 kacip fatimah, 1,700 kaffir lime and 6,600 lemongrass will be planted through this programme.

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