KeTSA Minister visits FRIM
By Published On: June 4, 2020

4 June 2020 (Thursday) – The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA), Dato’ Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah made his first visit to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, yesterday.

He was accompanied by KeTSA Secretary General Datuk Zurinah Pawanteh, Deputy Secretary General (Natural Resources) Dr Mohd Mokhtar Tahar and the Biodiversity Management and Forestry Senior Under Secretary, Norsham Abdul Latip.

Sesi taklimat .
Bergambar selepas acara penanaman pokok.
Briefing session by the FRIM DG. From left: Abd Latif, Khali Aziz, Shamsul Anuar, Zurinah, Marzalina and Mohd Mokhtar posing for a picture after the tree planting.

The Minister was greeted by FRIM Director General (DG) Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod, who briefed him on FRIM’s background, areas of research, the importance and contributions of FRIM research as well as the future direction of the Institute.

Shamsul Anuar also planted a gelam tikus/kelat nenasi tree (Syzygium zeylanicum) to commemorate this special occasion.

He also visited the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Herbal Technology Centre (HTC) and Furniture Testing Laboratory (FTL) to take a closer look ta the research and development (R&D) activities, facilities and services; as well as products by FRIM.

Pegawai FRIM (kiri) memberi taklimat di Makmal Kultur Tisu kepada Shamsul Anuar (tengah) dan Zurinah (kanan).
Pegawai FRIM (kiri) memberi keterangan tentang mesin-mesin ujian di FTL.
FRIM Biotechnology Programme Head Dr Nor Hasnida Hassan (left) briefing to Shamsul Anuar (middle) and Zurinah (right) at the Tissue Culture Lab. FRIM Empowering Product Certification Programme Head Hashim W. Samsi showing Shamsul Anuar testing machines at FTL.

The programme ended with a visit to the Green Community Centre (GCC), also known as Villa Latifiana, for a briefing on FRIM’s efforts and progress towards achieving UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

Also present, FRIM Deputy DG (Operations) Dr Khali Aziz Hamzah and Deputy DG (Research) Dato’ Dr Marzalina Mansor.

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