MPIC Minister launches Community Plantation Programme
By Published On: September 8, 2020

8 September 2020 (Tuesday) – The Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC), Dato’ Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, launched the Community Plantation Programme in Batu Kikir, Negeri Sembilan, yesterday.

Organised by the Malaysian Panel-Products Manufacturers’ Association (MPMA) and Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) in collaboration with Plus Intervest, the programme aimed to introduce tree species with rapid growth such as batai and Eucalyptus to ensure the sustainability of raw wood material as well as to reduce the dependence on resources from the natural forest.

Upacara penyampaian buku-buku terbitan FRIM.
Khali Aziz (kiri) menanam pokok.
From left: Mohd Fauzi, Khali Aziz, Mohd Khairuddin, Sheikh Othman and Goh during the presentation of FRIM’s publications. Khali Aziz (left) planting a tree with the help of FRIM Research Officer Dasrul Iskandar Darus.

Also present, FRIM Director General (DG) Dr Khali Aziz Hamzah, FRIM Deputy DG (Research) Dato’ Marzalina Mansor, MPMA Chairman Datuk Wira Sheikh Othman Rahman, Plus Intervest Managing Director Datuk Chua Hock Gee and Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia Plantation and Forest Protection Director Mohd Fauzi Abu Bakar. The programme was also attended by representatives of the Batu Kikir community, companies, agencies and industries.

FRIM has been working with MPMA and Plus Intervest since 2016 in conducting various studies to determine suitable forest species for plantation that can be harvested in less than six years. FRIM also plays a role in promoting and supporting the MPMA community plantation programme by providing expertise as well as technical assistance in the production of seedlings through tissue culture.

Semasa lawatan ke booth pameran FRIM.
Gambar berkumpulan Khali Aziz (depan, tengah) bersama staf FRIM.
Mohd Khairuddin (left) with Khali Aziz (middle) and Marzalina when visiting FRIM’s exhibition booth. Khali Aziz (front row, middle) posing for a picture with FRIM staff involved in the programme.

Khali Aziz presented several FRIM books related to the study of suitable species as well as ways to establish plantation forests to the MPIC Minister.

Mohd Khairuddin also presented 13 saplings to community representatives and planted a Eucalyptus pellita tree to commemorate the programme.

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