Dendrocalamus giganteus: The giant bamboo bearing rare flowers
Bamboo is a group of a true grass from the family Poaceae and subfamily of Bambusoideae. The Dendrocalamus giganteus found in FRIM is one of the tallest bamboo species in the world. The bamboo is known as Giant Bamboo or Dragon Bamboo. This clumping giant is native to Myanmar, Bhutan, China and Thailand. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world due to its unique rhizome system. The giant bamboo can reach up to 30 meters tall with diameters of 15-30 cm. Its leaves can grow almost 61 cm long and 10 cm wide. Most bamboo flowers infrequently, and it has been reported that flowering cycle for this giant bamboo and seed-setting can be at every 29, 40 and 43 years interval. Phenological studies conducted at various places in Asia could not conclude the precise interval period for the giant bamboo to flower, thus the exact interval is believed to vary due to growing conditions. It was also observed that the clump that has undergo flowering did not always die as in other types of bamboos. Dendrocalamus giganteus is very useful for construction, boat mast, bamboo house, water pipes, furniture, paper production and various other uses. While young shoots are used as a vegetable source, the culm sheaths are used to make hats. Giant Bamboo occurs naturally in humid tropical highlands or hill slopes, usually up to 1,200 m altitude. It can also be grown successfully in the lowlands on rich loam alluvial soils where humidity is high. In FRIM, this giant bamboo can be seen near the Keruing Trail entrance, in front of Building D4. The bamboo last flowering seasons was recorded in 1953, 1991 and currently it is flowering again.
Posted on 1st November 2012. The weather for the week was forecasted 24°-33° Celcius, rain with storm. Prepared by Nor Azlin, M.F. Pictured by Nor Azlin, M,F.