Careya arborea :Useful for man and animals2023-10-12T00:02:39+08:00
Kasai: Pretty to the eyes, tasty to the palate2023-10-12T00:02:39+08:00
Jelutong : The local latex tree2023-10-12T00:02:39+08:00
Limpatu: The squirrels’ favourite2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
Flowers of the Barringtonia2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
Sengkuang: The Pacific Walnut tree2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
Engkabang : Butter from the forest2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
The legendary Melaka tree2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
Pink blossoms of Tabebuia rosea2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
The sea faring Barringtonia asiatica2023-10-12T00:02:38+08:00
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