Xanthostemon chrysanthus: Yellow adornment of golden penda
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Xanthostemon chrysanthusor golden penda belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is commonly known as Jambu kuning by the locals. The golden penda is native to tropical northern Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. Xanthostemon chrysanthus is a medium-sized tree that can reach 30 m in height in its natural environment, but is usually smaller in cultivation. The compound flowers occur in clusters near the ends of the branches and are bright yellow and very conspicuous. The blooms also attract nectar feeding birds and insects which may add colours into the landscape.

Xanthostemon chrysanthus can be propagated through seeds, stem cuttings or by wildings. This species can be used for screen planting, windbreak, or as horticultural specimen. It is a hardy species as it grows well in full sun, tolerates acidic soil and is resistant to pollution and tropical heat.  The tree is often chosen to beautify parks, road sides, golf courses and housing lawns due to its attractive flowers. A flowering golden penda tree can be seen by the pond near FRIM’s mosque.

Written by Ahmad Nazaruddin MR. Uploaded on 15 Oct 2013. The weekly weather was 24° to 31°C, with average humidity of 60%.